Shareera kriya is the key subject in medicine. This subject provides the ground base knowledge of body functions and dysfunctioning which helps in critical understanding of disease process and insight to disease management and prevention. Physiology is the core of medical wisdom. Its enormous contribution is responsible for the growth of medical technology and clinical management.
To be committed to excellence in physiology education as well as outstanding research, to obtain a sufficient level of knowledge of SHAREER KRIYA to understand the basic facts, concepts and principles essential for medical practice.
- Educate medical students, with evidence-based teaching, expanding on our track record of innovation and excellence in both research and teaching.
- To practice patient-centered medicine of the highest standard
- To find solutions in basic concepts of mechanisms, prevention and treatment of disease.
- The gain highest standards of scientific research and teaching.
- Leadership in innovation in scientific research and teaching.
- Exchange of ideas through collaboration with different specialty.
- Maximizing the impact of our research and teaching through communication.
Dr.Vinod Gurav |
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